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Friday, April 4, 2014


5 Pictures That Will Make Your Heart Stop

Unknown - 4:02 AM

#1 Extreme Skiing

This is the sort of photo that screams "THIS WILL ONLY END BADLY!"
We hope for his sake that was not the case. In other news, lots of people die while extreme skiing.

Extreme Skiing

#2 Rocking the Trolltunga

This is the most bad ass picture this girl will ever take. Seriously, can you imagine the street cred you'd have after doing something like this? Though it would be a sad event if she was the poor soul who found the crack at the edge...

Rocking the Trolltunga

#3 Camping on the Cliff

These guys are into some extreme sports. Rock climbing is terrifying enough but these guys have decided to camp out for a while. Hope those cables are really as sturdy as the guy at Big 5 said they were!

Camping on the Cliff

#4 Kayaking at Victoria Falls

This is one of those moments where you have to ask yourself what someone was thinking. This is something you'd never want someone to do but something you'd never want to stop watching.

Kayaking at Victoria Falls

#5 Nothing But Gravity

While some people wouldn't even stand near the edge of this bridge, those guys decided to sit on the wall. This girl must have taken it as a challenge because if a strong breeze blows, she's definitely falling off that bridge!

Nothing But Gravity


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